How it began...
Back in 2012, we had 2 orphan piglets who we named Thelma and Louise who we had to hand-rear when their mother sadly passed away. They piqued our interest in pigs, our herd soon grew and Andarl Farm was born.

Thelma and Louise in 2017
We started supplying Velvet Pork to friends and neighbours; however, the demand increased and many restaurants were also interested in our produce. It is really true that you can tell the difference in the meat when an animal has been well cared for.
As demand increased over the last couple of years, we have had to bring in auxiliary suppliers who share the same ethos as ourselves. Any suppliers are vetted by us to ensure that their pigs are only reared to a standard that Andarl Farm will accept.
We are now also working with like-minded suppliers of beef & lamb.